on Friday, November 11, 2016

Take a look at that map. And let it soak in, and most of you probably already have. I don't care if it's the most updated or whatever but the whole idea of it is the same. I've seen a lot of angry posts and now there's news of people protesting etc etc. If I could tell all of you one thing, I'd have to say this:

You're sore losers.

Like I previously stated, I didn't vote. Whether or not that discredits anything I have to say is on you. We have gone through 45 Presidents and 58 elections where, at least most recently, have done it the same way. But the reaction to this result is atrocious. What all you protesters are doing is insulting the very country that you reside in. You live here partly because you have the faith of the people and it's system to appoint the person who will lead our country. Protesting the result insults this country and makes you come off as the biggest representation of a sore loser I have ever seen. That being said, you have that right to do so, but it makes you look absolutely childish. Please, go back to school and work and continue to sustain this country with your services. You're wasting your time.

Side rant on protesting. It's a great way to make your voice heard. The best thing to come out of "protesting" recently is the addition of body cams to police officers. You need to be realistic of what you protest about. That whole 1% thing? Nothing happened there. It's gonna be the same with this issue. Your protesting will NOT change the outcome of the election. The only way that'll happen is via assassination or otherwise. Impeachment? Nah man. I don't know too much about this topic, but I'm pretty sure that impeaching the President is held by trial by House of Reps and Senate - which I hear is Republican controlled. Anyway I don't want to spew facts - just know that's it's not going to happen. You're wasting your time. But hey, thanks for making your voice heard - how many classes or work days did you miss by the way? Wish you could've used those days to make some money for your family or to pay off your student loans or something...

Let's talk about #Calexit. It's a "movement" for Cali to cecede from the United States. This is a joke, right? I can't believe this is even a thing to consider, you're all dramatic little fuckers. I want to sit here and insult you more, but that's just a waste. I just need to make this a point becasue I wanted to expand on a thought I had from last post. Media saturation.

Most of the media giants are broadcasting from NY, and a lot of media coverage also happens in CA. Also also, a lot of "YouTube" stars reside in CA as well. Besides that, we also have the immediate tri-state area for the local news. Let's take a look at that map again... HMMMMMM ... all those areas are blue. That's odd. But not really. My main point here is that all news coverage around here we see is coming from blue states. States that "wanted" Hillary Clinton to win. Of COURSE anything we'll see regarding the election will probably be anti-trump... and that's where it's not fair.

To saturate people with all this negativity will just encourage more negativity. OH MAN, those people in Cali are protesting?! We should do that too here in NY! And yet we don't get to see what's happening anywhere in the midwest, all those red states? We don't get to see celebration, PEACE (or maybe more peace), or actually relative positively. Because again we're sore losers.

My days and coming weeks would be SO much better if I woke up to news NOT about protesting and pissy whiny people, but about people being hopeful and celebrating America's "choice." Blah blah blah Hilary won the popular vote blah blah take your shit somewhere else because AGAIN THE SYSTEM YOU BELIEVE IN CHOSE OUR 45th President and there's NOTHING you can do about it.

It disappoints me how we focus so much on the negative around here, because we're sore losers. We all just need to move on becasue unless you've been blessed with some kind of high profile position (also known as rich and famous though that's still not guaranteed), you're not going to make the change you wish you could.

Small reflection here. I think I have the desire to be ruled. Like, I kinda get what Loki was on about in the first Avengers movie. We need to be free from freedom. Freedom is life's greatest lie. There will always be someone telling you what to do, in a large scale. The beauty of the US is that on a relatively smaller scale, we can still go on about our own way making small life choices. With moments like these and perhaps the coming months, I just kinda wish there was a bigger pressure put on us to "behave." Not like brainwashed or mind controlled slavery or anything like that. Just someone or something to make sure that in 4 years if things don't go our way again - we're told to just suck it up and move on, and for this idea to be enforced. Might regret typing all that out later, but for now it's truly what I feel.

In summary:
Nothing will change. Suck it up and move on, peacefully. If you want to continue to "protest" - make sure you actually get shit done and PEACEFULLY I might add, instead of getting your 15 minutes of fame and disappearing again.

ta ta kids
on Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Now that this whole thing is "over," I can finally start ranting about the whole shit show that was this election. I was thinking about what to type up all throughout my commute to work and I couldn't transition well between them but I need to get it all out regardless if my thoughts here look organized or not. Let's go!

SIDE NOTE: Trying my best not to mention candidates because I don't think it matters who would've won at this point - none of my opinions on the matter changes.

Some of my favorite things to come out of the election is listening to everyone eat their words because their candidate. My favorite culprit is the lovely folks at Elvis Duran and the Morning Show. Been listening to them for awhile becasue I like their topics and also like to talk shit about how much I hate them. It's a weird relationship. Anyway a quick message for you guys: I get it. You have the duty to maintain no bias and keep neutral commentary so you don't get fired. Good job. But don't you dare pander to your audience by not telling anyone who you voted for. You know DAMN well if your candidate won the election, the whole tone of today's show would be different. Instead, you have to sit there and pretend (and struggle at it) to "not care" about the result. Stating such generic things akin to giving "thoughts and prayers." It's pathetic, and I love it. Everyone on the show supporting each other about well informed they were about the election becasue they were "flip flopping" between the candidates? Load of bullshit. I love the 3 minute bit about "having a discussion" and "moving on" and all the bullshit... it sustains me. I'm getting giddy just typing about it. To hear all of you struggle because your candidate didn't win. Hilarious. The kicker was one guy who said he'd be off social media today because blah blah blah. BITCH, you know you're off it becasue you don't want to read about all the new POTUS cuz you SALTY AS HELL. As previously stated though, I get it. You're a radio show that reached a good amount of people in this country. March to the tune of iHeartRadio and just continue to make your money pissing off the least amount of people. Dance, monkey, dance.

Another wonderful thing coming out of this election are all the "I'm moving to Canada" jokes. A wonderful FB status I want to post (but won't becasue I'm a passive aggressive bitch and hate confrontation so I just type it up on the blogger knowing it's a safe space for opinions and random ass rants) goes something like this:

"Looking forward to lesser traffic and dumb asses on the road because everyone is moving to Canada... wait what? They're all just a bunch of pussies because they can't handle change? #yourvotedidntmatter"

And we can get to that last hashtag in a bit. Got a half-chub just thinking about it. Anyway, I've been hearing that same goddamn joke and seeing the same goddamn meme about it for the better part of 2 years or at least since the wonderful country chose our 2 party representatives. Can we please for once make sure to follow through with your request to move to Canada? It's really crowded and I would love for your bitch ass to get out of here because we con't need people who can't handle a change in guard. Guess what? The same thing happened 8 years ago when a black man became our new POTUS. AND YOU'RE ALL STILL HERE DESPITE THAT FACT THAT I WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO A BUNCH OF YOU LEAVING BACK THEN TOO! Oh but hey, fast forward 8 years later and you're all on his dick... most of you anyway.

Enough with that moving to another country joke. Just do it. Get out of here becasue I'm tired of it.

Next topic. Media saturation. It's really surprising to see how much people are surprised and disappointed with the outcome of this election. I can't lie, I was in a bit of a shock as well. I think it's because if you look at the support and the way a certain candidate was covered on various media outlets - it almost seems like we were hypnotized to be swayed one way. The surrounding states here chose one way. A majority of my friends, co-workers, were supporting the same way, and bad mouthing the other candidate as well. I became engulfed in all this "support" and when I woke up this morning I felt some surprise at the result. It's an interesting thing to think about because if I had lived in a certain area I feel like I might've been feeling the same way, but for the other candidate. Which is probably why I wanted to type this blog up in the first place. All my previous complaints mentioned above arise from the face that "our candidate" lost. And it's hilarious to think that if I had spent the 23ish years of my life in the US somewhere else - I would be feeling a completely different way, maybe. Just goes to show how powerful the media is when it comes to things like this. What we see and don't see, what we hear and don't hear about. Food for thought.

It's funny too how people compared how "easier" or how much better it was with some past presidents. For my generation it was Clinton. "OMG when Bill Clinton was president everything was so much easier." Bitch, it was easier becasue all we had to do was go to school, take naps, and eat. Like fucking duh it was easier back then.

AND FINALLY. THE LAST THING ON MY GODDAMN MIND. THE VERY WORST THING ABOUT THE ELECTION. My vote. Rather, the lack of my vote. That's right. Didn't vote. You read that right. And here's why!

I'm soooooooooo tired of people telling me to go vote. I have never been convinced, and I will never be convinced to go vote. I need to kind of reveal where I stand if you haven't already figured it out, but I'm from New Jersey. Now that you know that you can retrace which candidates I've been talking about, but still doesn't the change the fact none of my opinions on the matter change. ANYWAYYY... let's take a look at the results for good 'ol NJ. I'm too lazy to take pictures and make the results look pretty so please take my word for it. Source is from News 12 New Jersey's website.

Hillary Clinton - 1,947,650
Donald Trump - 1,489,918

Amendment 1 - Expand Gambling
Yes - 2,199,981
No - 632,287

Amendment 2 - Transportation Funds
Yes - 1,488,317
No - 1, 290,978

ANNNND the other candidates, I honestly couldn't give two shits about. Let me tell you where I'm going with this. Stop fucking telling me that my vote matters. Take any one of those numbers from every results and add 1 to them. The winner and choice is still the goddamn same. I've been hearing it all freaking month or two, maybe three. GO VOTE! YOUR VOTE MATTERS! FUCK. YOUR. BULLSHIT. It clearly does not. And I hate you and your arguments about why I should. Some of my favorite gems...

"If you don't then you're letting down your country."
Did you not SEE who this country chose as options for POTUS?

"People fought for your rights to vote"
Yes, and they also fought for my rights to wake up, go to work, and make money to provide for myself and the people I care about. Which is way more important.

"Not voting is like voting for (insert candidate name here)"
My personal favorite. No it's not, and you're a dumb ass for even considering it.

Again, I get it. If everyone in this world thought like me, then maybe it could make a difference. Blah blah blah the millions who think just like you could've really changed the outcome of the election! Listen, did it ever occur to you that people like me don't vote because we just don't care? Like, at all? Let's slap some real talk here. The new year will come around, a new POTUS will sit in the White House. Great. What are you going to do? You're going to get up, go to work, pay for everything you need to, and do everything THE GODDAMN SAME SO YOU CAN KEEP YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ALIVE. It goes with all change. This recent gas hike in this state. "UGHH GAS IS SO EXPENSIVE NOW!" Oh okay, guess you won't buy gas anymore. Guess you won't go to work anymore, guess you're just gonna stay indoors or walk/bike everywhere for the rest of your goddamn life?

Things change. Some big, some little. But you have one job to do. Wake up and do you. Do you so much that you can wake up the next day and do you again.

Also, ever tickle your thoughts about the fact that maybe people won't vote becasue they are uneducated about the candidates policies and sides? You just want someone to blindly go into the polls checking off bubbles like a goddamn ScanTron test you didn't study for? There are other reasons why people don't vote, and maybe you could educate yourself on that first before you try getting the non voters to convert.

Man this election has me in a tizzy. Gotta love the outcome though. Interesting how this wonderful country will play out in the future. SPOILER ALERT: it'll stay the fucking same. Or maybe we'll get a neat wall out of it too.

EDIT: Some perspective, and GOOD THINGS to come out of social media. I quote the following:

"Everyone needs to stfu and relax! No one is gonna throw you out, you're not gonna live on the streets (unless you do already)... I doubt your life would even change that much. Can everyone save the drama for their mamas? I get it, you're terrified of how racist, sexist, blah blah he is. You're never gonna meet him!!! He will never know you exist. He cannot impose alleged racism/sexism on new laws or anything. He will not impact your life. You'll live, I promise. And if you think he was the only president who held such views.. HAHAHA. Boy, are you naive. I'd be more shocked if one of them WASN'T a bigot. At least he's true to himself lol.

If people choose to be racist because they're "inspired" by him --- then you need to blame their parents- not him!

Y'all need God.... Amen."

"This is the last thing I'm going to say about this topic.

Don't tell marginalized groups of people how to react to this election. Many of us have spent our entire lives knowing that prejudice and hate for us exists. We fucking live with it. But if you have not lived through the past year as one of these people, you will not understand how important this election was. Latinxs , Black People, Muslims , the LGBTQA community, so many more people. Listen, we know some of y'all fucking hate us for simply existing. You, personally, reading this? Maybe not. Guess what? Someone you know and love probably genuinely does. I can say that with confidence. Want to know why? Because of last night.

The news that SO many people in this country fucking hate us and wish we weren't here or happy isn't new to us. It's just so overwhelming to have to see. It's a heavy feeling. So don't tell us how to feel today. Thanks. Bye."

On the first quote... it was good until the God and Amen part. So just focus on the first part of it.

Nice on the second post. I think I needed to read that. Def slowed my heart rate a bit. Good on you, America.

ta ta kids