on Sunday, October 26, 2008

I'm sure I'm probably not the right person to be answering this question, although I'm sure it'd be interesting if the few of you who read my blog knows whats going on in my head specifically about this topic.

and so i pose the question: How do you make love stay?

Simple really. /sarcasm

I'm not gonna give you some fairy tale answer. Trust your heart and each other mumbo jumbo. You don't deserve that cuz it's not gonna happen.

For me it's all a matter of keeping said "love" strong. Don't care how you personally do it. For me the song goes a little something like this: try and see each other enough. Now when I mean enough, I don't mean every waking moment. And not necessarily daily either. I can even personally say that if the love is strong enough, seeing each other weekly can keep love strong. It's the days you don't see each other that really make the difference. But remember: If love does not want to stay... it means there is no love. And if there is no love there is simply no way of making him/her stay

So how do you cope? How do you "make up" for the lost day or two? Usually it's not a problem, a good phone call or chat on AIM will do it.

SO what happens when you're put into a position when seeing each other daily or even weekly can't happen? The relationship you once had has turned into something distant. Basically for most young couples, it's the college situation. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for going to the same college and all... just make sure that it's majorly because of you... not the other person. It can be about your significant other a little bit, but don't solely base your college decision on someone you "love."

--> That of course is just in case it doesn't work out, you aren't left in a college you don't want to be in.

If the love wants to stay then, than love can stay. I used to think absence makes the heart grow fonder. What happens when its more than just absence. What's a more non-existent than absence?

Talking on the phone, AIM, even skype is great. But for how long? Who are you in a relationship with? Your phone/computer/webcam? I personally can take only so much of this nonsense. Everyday you can say I miss you, I want to kiss you, I want to hug you... I don't really think thats a good idea. Because you're reminded that you can't do anything about what you say. I'm not gonna make out with my phone and -although sometimes i do do it- hug my computer? Enough is enough and somewhere you have to draw the line.

What's the point of keeping a relationship if you can't see each other to keep it strong? I know some of you out there can do it. You long distance lovers. I'm jealous that you can keep that phone call relationship strong. When you one day meet each other, I really hope it turns out great.

I used to be that strong. But it takes a toll to your heart when it gets too long. I have wants and needs. I have to see you. I want to see you. But if it can't happen, what's the point.

Of course I'm talking generally here people. Although, some of my thougths and ideas are based on my own personal events. Please don't be so quick to agree with me because I know some of you out there can handle the harsh lifestyle of a phone call relationship.

In conclusion. If you want love to stay, it's up to you to make it stay. For me, it's the almost constant presence of the person you love to keep love strong. They need to be there enough physically for love to stay. I don't want a phone-shaped, computer-computer shaped, stupid webcam low quality picture version of you. I want you here. In front of my face. Where I can touch you, feel you, and hear you loud and clear. Love can only take so many dropped calls and laggy internet.

ta ta kids