on Thursday, November 20, 2008
but what works? As a college student, the stress you come across weekly -nay- DAILY can be quite cumbersome. So how should one deal? Or do you just let the insanity take over? In the harsh world of good grades, popularity, and the undying need to achieve that perfection, defeating the monster we call stress is nothing short of a necessity.

So here they are, my tips to being stress free.

Number 1: Music.

Nothing gets me relaxed like a good playlist on my iTunes or iPod. Put those headphones on, take a step back on the situation and listen to a couple songs. Writing a last minute paper? Play a couple songs, then let the playlist run and that paper will be done in no time. Of course it also takes a little effort on your part. music helps to focus.

Hearing music allows you to enter a different world. Especially if you're a music enthusiast - you know - listen to music for more than just the tune. The words, the message. All that good stuff. Get yourself some noise cancelling headphones, when you really want to enter a different world, you don't want to invite anyone else.

Number 2: Lonliness? (and a nap)

It may not work for you, but it really works for me. Sometimes when I'm stressed out, I enjoy a some good alone time with myself. And going back to the music thing, sitting there with my eyes closed and music blaring is just fine. Though listening with your eyes closed could lead to napping. Which in some given situations can be better and worse. Obviously don't try and fall asleep when you've got some last minute things to do.

The thing about lonliness is it gives you a chance to take a look at yourself, and not just everything that's troubling you. Try and think of something else for a while, and revisit your situation with less distraught. It helps. At least for me.

Number 3: Volleyball (or insert sport here)

Let's face it. For me, nothing gets me stressfree like a good kill on a volleyball. Hearing that ball bounce to the floor, and the echo of the contact resonate in my ears.... so incredibly relaxing. Playing with a team and working together, watching a team run and organize some goodplays, really takes me away.

And it may not be volleyball for you, but if you enjoy a sport enough my kill on a volleyball may be analagous to hitting a baseball, bowling a strike, serving an ace, hearing that swish on a basketball shot. Doing something that makes you happy, as long as you have the time is a great way to relieve stress.

In Conclusion: Theres probably a lot more things I can think of for curing stress but these are really the ones that stick out. They all really have some major ideas in common: take a step back and do something that makes you happy to forget about the situation. Then revist it with a more positive attitude, instead of being so HIV negative.

ta ta kids