on Monday, November 9, 2015
Remember that writing prompt website I advertised a couple posts ago? The prompt today is found at the title. I had tried going to this site a few times now and I found that I didn't really like the prompt, but then I realized that's not really the point. I should be able to write something even if I don't particularly enjoy what's given. So let's get started. I am disgusted by...

EDIT: so I started this off with things that bother me. I had typed in terrible driving and rude behavior. I don't like where that post was going. This shouldn't be Let's Get Ranty Part whatever the heck I was on. I'm take this prompt on a literal perspective.

I'm disgusted by rotting/rotten food. There's been a small infestation lately in my house with food. There is nothing more off putting then fining a bug in your soup that just kills the appetite. I'm well aware that a single fly in your soup is not going to kill me (statistically), but there is just something about it that is enough to tell your brain to just stop. Growing up a bit in the Philippines, there were flies everywhere landing on your food and taking off again. I was fine with it. I'm assuming that the "first worldliness" of the US has kind of set the bar a bit higher when it comes to sanitary consumption. That's too bad, because I feel like I've wasted a lot of food in recent times because I didn't want to share my food with some flies. So rude.

Actually, I've boycotted the rice we cook at home, simply because there have been maggots living in the rice, and consequently being cooked in the rice as well. Looking back, I've probably consumed SO MANY MAGGOTS and I've turned out (relatively) fine. Those buggars are really hard to see, and really easy to miss. One time I scooped a fresh batch of rice up into a plate, and I saw a little guy taking his last squirms before dying. Yep, never eating rice (from my house) ever again.

Why not TWO scoops?

Apparently this is a pretty common occurrence with cheaper rice/grains. Still gross. On a MILDER side, I think the very first time I acted in this way is when I started avoiding eating the bruised parts of a banana. There's definitely NOTHING wrong with it, it's just a matter of preference. Still though.

Actually I found one of those filthy maggots biting into a banana once. I gave up bananas for awhile. Actually typing this I'm gonna give up bananas for a little bit again. UGH.

Other things that disgust me? I dunno, things that look like they haven't been cleaned for AGES. Take a couch, for example. You see one at a garage sale, obviously you're gonna spruce it up, give it a quick wash, all good. But like you see the ones out in the front with a "FOR SALE" sign that you know has been there for at least a few days, it becomes a little off putting. There's a better example in there somewhere. You get what I mean.

In terms of smells - I'm not a huge fan of trash - and like the collective trash you smell when a garbage truck passes by. Normal trash obviously doesn't smell too good, but at least it's tolerable. It's the collective efforts of a small community that makes trash smell like... well trash. Accompanying that idea is also the smell of rotting flesh. Not like dead bodies (though I'd imagine they'd smell the same way) but really old meat. I left some meat outside to throw out but never got to it... ON A HOT SUMMER DAY. I waited MUCH too long and eventually that smell was everywhere and I was too afraid to get rid of it because flies and maggots have now gotten INTO the bag and it was making the most threatening buzzing sound you've ever heard. I'm getting grossed out reminiscing.

Thick liquids and being sticky. If i'm outside and I accidentally step into a soft muddy spot on the ground that is just enough to hold onto my foot for a second or two, I'm disgusted. Likewise, if I lean my hand on a tree and wasn't aware of the sap on that tree, I am immediately disgusted. Being sticky is NOT a good feeling. It's not like sap is acid that's gonna burn your skin off, it's that when I move my fingers it there shouldn't be any resistance. That goes with all things sticky: honey and other forms of thick liquid sugar, adhesives, etc.

One last comment because I'm disgusted typing this material. I'm actually not too bothered with some obvious answers like gore. Broken bones and severed heads in real life is sad and disheartening, but I don't think disgusted is the right word for it. I'm pretty ok with poop. Bugs are still gross. So yea. that's all.

BUT WAIT! Not a disgust, but trypophobia always gets someone feeling something.

ta ta kids
on Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Goddamn, English. You crazy as hell. For those not in-the-know, word avalanches form when similar sounding words or repetitions are combined to make a coherent phrase or sentence. The easiest example I can think of in my head...

You know they're making a professional GoPro camera? They're calling it the ProGoPro. They're giving one to every policeman on duty - they'll call it the PoPo ProGoPro.

Neat, right? Another one I remember form whatever source (maybe a song?) is "real eye realize real lies." Fun to say, fun to think of, fun to share. Then I came across this one:

A swindler passes by a bird in the stairwell of an apartment building...
The swindler was headed upstairs to visit his friend, the forger. The bird he passed along the way was the forger's homing vulture, which was en route to the forger's publisher to make a delivery. Unfortunately, the poor bird had to fly down the stairwell to ground level and out the open terrace since the forger's apartment had no windows. She was carrying some rolled up paper on which her owner had written the perfect end to his prized short story, what's delivery was a mission of utmost importance.
You see, the forger was very proud of this story's ending as it unabashedly mocked the last two novellas in a complete collection written by his far more successful literary rival, Condolyssa Blackburn, who had worked to expose the forger's dishonesty by high-hatting his private dealings in her writings, of which the forger grew thirsty for revenge. This same short story would later assist the forger in framing her for a homicide.
So, the swindler in the stairwell knew of the forger's vulture, but he hated birds and went about swatting and cursing at her for flying around in the building. Though, little did the swindler realize that there was a third crook who had been hiding in the shadows of the stairwell above him. As the swindler rounded the corner and came into view, the young thief named Khan had already lept from the banister one floor up behind the swindler as he planned to knock the swindler down and take his money.
As was indicative of his inexperience, young Khan did not notice the vulture until after he lept from the banister as he was too busy marking the swindler to notice the large bird flying past him on it's way down. The sight of the dutiful bird had caused the swindler to stop and swat and curse, which completely negated Khan's calculated leap, so as he fell toward where the swindler would have been had it not been for the vulture, he joined the swindler in cursing wildly at the bird because she had single-wingedly ruined his plan.
Khan's midair cursing fit caught the attention of the swindler who sighted him, and since Khan was quite green and merely half his age, the swindler immediately began talking down to him, attempting to illustrate how feeble and worthless his attempt to swindle a swindler. Yet, as the swindler turned to continue his ascent upstairs, his pride had hindered him from noticing that Khan had successfully picked the wallet from his back pocket.
Thus, Khan's incredibly embarrassing, albeit successful, incident is now humorously referred to among his fellow con men as the "greatest con ever botched," which is far less mentally demanding than what it was formerly referred to as, which was the "condescending conned ascending con dissenting condor-sending condescending con's descending condor sending condor-sending condescending con's dissenting conte's ending condescending con-dissenting Condi's ending condescending contes ending condescending Khan's descending on dissenting conned ascending con dissenting condor-sending condescending con's descending condor sending condor-sending condescending con's dissenting conte's ending condescending con-dissenting Condi's ending condescending contes ending condescending conned ascending con's dissenting on dissenting condor-sending con's descending condor sending condor-sending condescending con's dissenting conte's ending condescending con-dissenting Condi's ending condescending contes sending condescending Khan descending condescending condor-sending condescending con's descending condor sending condor-sending condescending con's dissenting conte's ending condescending con-dissenting Condi's ending condescending contes sending condescending conned ascending con's dissenting condor-sending condescending con's descending condor sending condor-sending condescending con's dissenting conte's ending condescending con-dissenting Condi's ending condescending contes on descending condescending Khan's descending" con.

By Reddit user  shigglesmcwhigley

It's things like these that make me wish I had more of a creative mind. Good on you, mate. This is excellent.

ta ta kids.