on Friday, September 18, 2015
Holy crap! It's the return of a legacy? The New York Time's Best seller for "Shit No One Reads on the Internet" 2015... It's SOMETHING TO TYPE ABOUT! Volume 14. Hello everyone, It sure has been awhile - and it seems I've developed a new writing style since Something To Type About (13). To be honest I've been reading a lot of Cracked and found their blog style humor very entertaining, so I decided to pay homage to their brand by also writing in the same exact style. Also I'm very unoriginal when it comes to being original so there's that. An addendum: when I first started this series I was mainly using StumbleUpon to stumble upon (omg mind blow) things that I would end up ranting a little about throughout the day. I've recently learned that this service is no longer as SFW as I thought, so therefore, I've given all entertainment responsibilities for me and consequently this post and future posts thereafter... to Reddit.

(10:01 AM) So I actually had to do some work and it involved a cutter, basically a traditional rotating saw but the circle blade doesn't have teeth. I need to cut a sample for testing, but that's not the point. It got me thinking about general workplace safety. I know that sounds immediately boring but hear me out. It actually has more to do with the fact that lately, at least most of this year, I generally don't feel safe. Maybe at work, ironically, but walking about and passing people everyday I just feel like I'm going to rub the person the wrong way, or just give him/her a look that was misconstrued as threatening and - BAM. Dead. This world is filled with crazy people man, and I'm going to go out on a limb and hope they aren't the majority here. I skimmed a post questioning whether or not at any given moment you pass someone who was already planning to shoot up a place or murder something and decided that you weren't that person today. It's an interesting thought, isn't it? So many stories in that thread involving holding the door for someone on their way out of a convenient store or something and hours later on the news they find that the place was shot up or something. Alternatively just ignoring someone walking down the street that appeared sad or troubled you find that they had jumped off that bridge the two of you shared just moments ago. This is something coming from me: if you have a resting bitch face, spend your walks either looking straight ahead into nothing or looking down. Otherwise, if you happen to make eye contact with someone crossing your path - smile and just say hi and move on. Don't stare, no weird looks. Let's everyone just mind their own business while also giving them the courtesy of acknowledging that they exist in this world. Reminds me of a famous suicide story that mentions a person planning to jump off the Golden Gate, but wouldn't as long as during his walk to his destination someone would say hi to him. No one did. and he jumped. Don't be afraid to say hi to people if you happen to make eye contact with them. I'll coin this phrase: "H-eye contact." You just made h-eye contact. Say hi. That's clever. Trademark that. You heard it here first. We'll make millions. I'll make millions. But mostly I'll make millions.

(2:04 PM) So I opened up a new sponge just now and gave it a quick rinse and wrung it out. The thing was pre loaded with soap. WHAT THE HELL is that a THING?!

(3:38 PM) Reading up on some first date fuck ups. I don't have any fuck ups in particular but I've had some past dates that I look back on that make present day me cringe. This all happened in high school of course - relatively new to the whole relationship thing and actually getting into the nitty gritty of rounding all these so called "bases" that people talk about. I'm not going to go into too much detail but BASICALLY I was on a date with one of my exes, and 2 good friends of mine (lost touch with them but i'm sure we could pick it back up if we were ever to meet again). First trip was to watch a movie and during the middle or so of it was a kissing bonanza - missed about the last 1/4 of the movie. Next on the list was just hanging out at one of the guys' place. During the WHOLE ride there she and I are just going at it in the back seat. Looking back I THINK I knew what I was doing (not the kissing but the whole disrespectful PDA thing) but I don't think I had any way out since this chick was kind of aggressive and stopping might throw her into a "do you not like it?" tantrum. As O revisit this memory, I feel REALLY bad for my two friends in the front seats of that car. It must've been REALLY uncomfortable but maybe kinda funny to talk about with your other friends later on. God even typing this story out reliving this memory is making me cringe.

So that was good reintroduction to the series. I think I know how I'm going to approach these entries from now on. Basically I've become somewhat of a Reddit lurker. So anytime I have something to say whilst in a thread that I find interesting, instead of actually posting, I'll type it all up here. Oh the stories I will tell. Until next time.

ta ta kids.