on Tuesday, August 28, 2012
So now that all the interns are done and gone back to whatever ivy league school they came from (those pretentious butt holes walk around like they're better then everyone else, and they don't even work here permanently), it was just about the best news ever when I found out I was going to have my office to myself. Generally, I feel the best work environment doesn't involve shared offices. Everyone needs their space, and with society already up your butt judging everything you do, I believe that being at work entitles you to some alone time.
Just me and this bad boy. All alone.
Those were the good days. Then my whole world started to crumble because I knew the day was approaching. A new office mate. Like I said, I DID know about it, I was just hoping that the day would come sooner rather than later. Now I have no problems with having an office mate, but I believe this one may give birth to loads of problems in the long run. First off, before we shared offices, she would be in the office right next to mine. When she came in as a new hire (as a contract employee... not permanent like I'm going to be), it was all well and good. As the days go, I guess we both start to notice the degree of work we both have. Recently, all I've been doing is preparing slides after slides in power point so we have something to show for a meeting that's actually going to happen in about a half an hour. Since her employment here, however, I've seen her running around, making catalysts, getting messy, etc etc... which to be perfectly honest, gets me a little jealous. Though now that I think about it, I've heard around here that making catalysts is just like cooking in a kitchen... heck I'm looking at one of those fancy stand-up mixers you find in a white-mans house. And it all makes sense now...

That better be something I can eat when you're done with it.
I'm getting off topic here. Basically she and I have both noticed that I guess maybe one of us works a little harder for their money. And I can tell you it doesn't seem like me right now. This is what I assume is going through her head because since our first introductions, she's been nothing but a real harcore B up in here. Why, just this morning I have the kindness in my heart to say "good morning" and she responds with a very zombie like "hi." Not even a good morning back. Well you know what? I take it back. Hope your morning is terrible. And you know what else? I don't appreciate your tone of voice.

Look. It's not my fault you got stuck with the job that I may or may not have applied for also. But clearly you were the better candidate for this type of work. It's not like I'm not working. Those power points (I'm counting upwards of 15 of them now) were really hard to do. They're really time consuming and they take up most of my day. My back starts to hurt so I stretch once in awhile, my eyes get tired so I try to get some zZz's every couple of hours. Heck, even my ears get tired so I HAVE to put on Pandora and listen to music while I work. Its a tough life. Don't be so selfish.

Break At The Desk
Pictured: Female me at work. (Also not in a kitchen)

As a side note, I was google searching images and I happen to come across a creepy one of who I believe is Marie Curie.


on Wednesday, August 22, 2012
STOP RIGHT THERE. If you all think for a second that this is going to be some controversial post explaining my beliefs and disbelief... then you might be right. But just a little. I really just want to talk out of my butt for a few paragraphs because a co-worker and I struck up a conversation about said topic. Here's some background information about my co-worker, without giving too much away. His social security number is 147-85-4251. That is all. Seriously though, he used to live in southern Ohio, and he came from a pretty terrible upbringing (at least that what I get out of it from the stories he told me). Regardless, my co-worker "found Jesus and God" and really turned his life around, and he's now in the handful of some of the hard workers I see in this company. When I say he found Jesus... he FOUND Jesus.

Pretty sure he's the one riding a horse.
What I'm getting at here is that he's a pretty devout Christian. We would always talk about hot topics and although he's got a pretty reserved opinion, you can tell all he wants to do is preach and preach. So we got to talking about evolution. So before I give his opinion, which you can probably figure out by now, let me give you my explanation.

I'm a Christian. When I was younger I went to Church frequently, and as I got older, less and less. Needless to say, I was what I'd like to call a "holiday christian." I only show up for the holidays. That's not to say that I don't believe in a higher power somewhere. I carry some Christian beliefs with me, and it's these things combined with my morals that allow me to do good, and flaw me to do that not so good. But I digress. You should also know that I was raised under the interest of science, more so than Christianity. So my beliefs are actually completely towards evolution and not creation. Though I do take into account everything the Bible says, to me they are just nice stories to listen to about the man upstairs doing great work. So that's me in a nutshell, and then some.

We actually got into this topic because I had brought up the Fibonacci sequence, and how it applies to fauna. We have this running joke about how he would always bring Him into this, and he did just that stating something along the lines of "and all this is just a coincidence right?" Pretty condescending if you ask me. Either way we shared a laugh about bringing Him into it again and then we got into this whole thing on evolution. This is where he really took the preachyness to a new level. Now I wish I had typed this up sooner, so I can regurgitate exactly what he was saying, but I'll just paraphrase. Everything from this point on that quotes what he says ISN'T word for word, but it gets the same point across.

He asked "if evolution is so great, then why did we crawl out of the water and lose our gills? we need gills." This of course implying that we (just we, and not every other species) crawled out of the water.
My answer: We found land, which became more desirable to live on because there are more things that are useful up there to us. We no longer needed gills. Or bodies cant handle the pressures or deep water nor can our skin handle constant exposure to water. Raisin fingers!

He stated "i don't see a dog evolving into a cat"
My answer: *facepalm
Though the results would be marvelous.
Then for some reason he started hinting that he actually did believe in some kind of evolution.

He said: "Yea I believe that when the ark came, two monkeys walked out and eventually evolved into humans."

At this point I was already kind of steaming, and lucky for me another co-worker came over to ask a question. I'm not here to bash on anyones beliefs, even though I imply that my frustration to his answers really got me worked up. And it did. People are entitled to what they want to believe in. I'm not going to sit there and argue about whats wrong or right, when someone truly believes one thing is right. As long as it isn't fact of anything. Something like evolution starts to get blurry because science can only go so far back. That's where religion can take over and start making up stories (based on real life witness?) Sorry for being condescending but I'm a firm believer of fact rather than fiction. I take science very seriously and I use my religion to shape who I am as a person in terms of right and wrong. It's nice to believe that someone out there is always looking out for us, and promising good or bad times after we die. Also it's pretty sweet to think that one man can abracadabra universes, people, creatures, etc. Seems pretty douchey though to start us off so primitive.

"How else would you learn about boobies and stuff?"
Thanks, Bro Jesus.